I’m very proud to say that the new website is the home to the new blog, Everyday Amber and the first love… #amberseats.
Welcome to the new home of Everyday Amber and #amberseats!
You all have been so supportive of the videos and posts, I wanted to say Thank You from the bottom of my heart. I hope we all continue to learn from each other, and have some fun in the process.! We are adding new content as we speak so be sure to follow along and join in this awesome community of the “Everyday“.
Hey Y’all!
If your household is anything like ours, time is precious and you can be sure there is always something or someone in dire need of attention. Life sure gets hectic sometimes but I wouldn’t have it any other way!
I am married to a full time musician, that is a situation of pros and cons. (If you or your SO travels… I’m sure you can relate). But we are always so glad when he is home! I’m blessed to be the mother of two of the most incredible little humans, Barrett and Braylen. He is totally ALL boy and thankfully his little sister is so sweet and chill compared to his little tornado self. They are the light of our lives.
Wife + Mother + Daughter + Sister + Friend + Everyday = Everyday Amber.
Our daily lives get so busy and that’s why I decided to create a space to scroll through to get some tips, tricks and hopefully some good info and inspirations. We are always looking for those special tidbits that we can incorporate into daily life to make it just a little easier. Perhaps make it a little “more” by paying that extra attention to ourselves. Why Not? We work hard! So take 5, ok… 10 and see if there is a treasure here meant just for you. Everyday Amber is the blog created for us all. If there is any topic you would like us to cover, drop us a line!
Photo: @annaleciagamble
I am a strong woman
Because I was raised by a strong woman
Our home is built on Faith, Family, Friends